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Privacy policy


This document dedicated to the protection of privacy (“Privacy Policy”) of the site (“Site”) published by Flora Ventures SL, under the registered trademark Days of Confidence, registered by the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid by the notary D. Pedro Antonio Mateos Salgado, 8 April 2019, protocol number 2924 with VAT number ES88362926, whose registered office is located on calle Hiedra, 74, Alcobendas (Madrid), 28109, Spain.

The Privacy Policy on the Days of Confidence (“DoC”) site complies with the requirements of the GDPR.


Conditions for processing Users' Personal Data.

By creating an Account, Users must validate the Privacy Policy, by which they agree to be bound. The Privacy Policy may be modified or updated at any time without notice, except for stipulations that require the consent of Users. The terms defined in capital have the definition given to them in the General Terms and Conditions.

DoC collects and uses Personal Data that Users have spontaneously transmitted to it, which are necessary for placing an Order, receiving information emails from DoC (newsletters), or communication via WhatsApp.

Your personal data is processed by the company DoC in its capacity as data controller, to respond to your request for information or for marketing communications via WhatsApp.

Your data will be kept until five (5) years after your last order, a period during which you will be able to freely access your data, rectify them, obtain their erasure, oppose their processing, and obtain communication of them in a format structured and readable (unless there is a legitimate impediment).

In accordance with the applicable data protection legislation and regulations, you can exercise your rights by contacting DoC, simplified joint stock company, Calle de la Hiedra 74, Alcobendas, Madrid, 28109, Spain. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and to define guidelines relating to your digital will.

Users are required to provide their personal data and information accurately, sincerely and truthfully and to update this data and information as soon as necessary so that it remains accurate and complete.

DoC collects and processes Users' Personal Data in a fair and lawful manner and respects their rights. DoC is responsible for processing Users' Personal Data.

The purposes of processing Customer Personal Data are:

- the commercial management of orders for DoC products made via the site,

- sending information emails on DoC news,

- carrying out prospecting operations,

- marketing communication via WhatsApp for Users who have given their explicit consent,

- audience analysis of the site or commercial statistics,

- the organization of competitions, lotteries or any promotional operation,

- management of unpaid debts and disputes,

- management of reviews.

Sending marketing communications via WhatsApp

DoC may use the phone numbers collected to send information or promotions to Clients via WhatsApp. Users must give their explicit consent to receive these communications. They can unsubscribe at any time by simply replying "STOP" to one of the received messages.
Under no circumstances does DoC transfer or sell Users' Personal Data to third parties, except in the cases referred to below.

Under no circumstances does DoC transfer or sell Users' Personal Data to third parties, except in the cases referred to below.


Nature of Personal Data collected by DoC

The Personal Data that may be processed includes the first and last name, postal address, email address, phone number, and IP address of Users.


Protection, retention and deletion of Personal Data

Personal Data communicated by Users are hosted by DoC hosting providers.

At any time, Customers may request that their Account be closed, which will result in the deletion of the associated Personal Data.

The deletion of the Account will be effective within two (2) months from the deletion request and in any case, after any Order in progress.

DoC retains Customers' Personal Data for the duration of the opening of their Account and deletes it within a maximum period of five years after the Account is closed. Phone numbers collected via WhatsApp will also be retained during this period and can be deleted upon request by sending a “STOP” message via WhatsApp.


Communication from DoC

DoC may send emails to Customers who have accepted it to the address associated with their Account to inform them of developments on the Site or its activities or to communicate technical or administrative information to them.

Customers who have accepted to receive communications via WhatsApp can unsubscribe at any time by replying "STOP" to one of the received messages.

Under no circumstances will Customers receive emails from third party companies or DoC partners without their authorization.


Transfer of Users’ Personal Data

DoC may transfer Users' Personal Data to its service providers, such as Shopify, Klaviyo, Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tik Tok.

DoC may also share information collected via WhatsApp with its service providers if required for the proper functioning of the communication service on this platform.

DoC undertakes not to communicate, assign or transfer Personal Data to other third parties (excluding service providers) without the express consent of Customers but may communicate it if required by law or upon judicial or administrative request. .


User Rights over their Personal Data

In accordance with the applicable data protection legislation and regulations, DoC informs Users of their right to access, modify, oppose the processing and request the deletion of their Personal Data collected and processed, it being specified that the deletion of their data will involve closing their Account and obtaining communication in a structured and readable format (unless legitimately prevented).

For data collected via WhatsApp, Users can also request deletion by sending a “STOP” message or by contacting DoC directly.

They also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and to define guidelines relating to their digital will.

Users can exercise their rights by sending an email to the following address or by writing to the following address: Calle de la Hiedra 74, Alcobendas, 28109, Madrid, Spain.




A cookie is a file that can be saved on the hard drive of Customers' and Users' terminals when viewing the Site. These small files may contain, for example, the Customer's shopping cart and preferences.

DoC may place cookies on Users' terminals in order to allow them to browse the Site in optimal conditions, to save Customer profiles and restore their preferences when they are connected via their usual terminal, to determine the Products viewed or purchased or to produce statistics.


Type of cookies used via the Site

DoC uses cookies:

  • navigation, which are cookies necessary for the proper technical functioning of the Site because they make it possible to optimize the display of content from each User terminal;
  • functional, which are not essential for the proper functioning of the Site but optimize the experience on the Site by making it possible to identify Users and find their basket;
  • analytical, which makes it possible to monitor Users' navigation for optimization purposes. The information collected includes in particular the number of visitors, the origin and the details of the pages which were visited. This information helps us make improvements to the Site, the shopping experience and DoC campaigns. DoC uses Google Analytics, an audience measurement provider, which:
    - collects the following data: origin of connections (access providers), type and version of browser used, browser language, duration of connection, IP address, etc.
    - stores cookies on User terminals in order to carry out audience measurements. The data generated by cookies is transmitted by Google Inc. and is hosted on servers located in the United States. Google Inc. will use this data for the purpose of evaluating the use of the Site but will not combine the IP address of Users with any other data held by Google Inc. Google Inc. may communicate this data to third parties in the event of legal obligation or when these third parties process this data on their behalf. For more information, Users can consult the site by clickinghere .
  • direct marketing and targeting and third-party cookies, which make it possible to send commercial messages likely to be of interest to Users based on their browsing history. Third-party cookies are those sent by trusted third-party partners.


Users must accept the placement of cookies on their terminal using the banner provided for this purpose when they connect to the Site.

DoC does not keep cookies allowing the traceability of a User or obtaining IP addresses beyond thirteen (13) months after the first deposit in a User's terminal.

Users can delete cookies from their browser software at any time and configure it to oppose their recording on their terminal. DoC invites them to refer to the help file of their navigation software to establish the appropriate configuration. Browsing the Site without accepting cookies may be degraded.



Traffic data is generated when the Users' terminal is connected to the internet and the Site.

This data can be used for statistical purposes in order to analyze traffic on the Site and improve it by adapting it to the needs of Users. Traffic data is never used by name by DoC.

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