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Premature and early menopause : causes, symptoms, complications and treatments

Written by: Cristina Rodríguez

Discover how early menopause can affect women. This article explores the symptoms, consequences, and various treatments available. Natural solutions are also presented to alleviate the effects. Learn about the different options to better manage this stage of a woman's life and regain a natural balance.
menopause precoce femme allongée sur un lit symptomes causes risques consequences et solutions naturelles de la menopause precoce

What is early or premature menopause?

Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Early menopause happens when the ovaries stop functioning before the age of 40, much earlier than usual. This situation can significantly impact physical health as it directly affects fertility, hormonal balance, and overall quality of life.

Dr. Matilde Gómez, in her book "Mujeres sin reglas" explains that early menopause can have serious long-term consequences. She emphasizes the importance of consulting a doctor if menopausal symptoms appear before the age of forty to determine the cause and take appropriate measures.

A. Causes of early menopause

What can trigger premature menopause?


The causes of early menopause are varied and can be genetic, environmental, or medical. Here are some common causes of early menopause:

  • Genetics: Alterations in the X chromosome, such as Turner syndrome or fragile X syndrome, can cause early menopause. Dr. Gómez mentions that if your mother had early menopause, it's important to stay alert and have regular check-ups since there's a high probability it will affect your menopausal stage.

  • Autoimmune diseases: In 4% of cases, antibodies block ovarian function. Diseases such as diabetes or hypothyroidism can lead to ovarian failure and consequently menopause.

  • Medical treatments: Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in young women with cancer can affect ovarian function. Dr. Gómez emphasizes the importance of informing patients about fertility preservation options before undergoing these treatments.

  • Environmental toxins: Exposure to microplastics, solvents, pesticides, and tobacco can alter ovarian function and thus bring menopause forward.

  • Infections: Although less frequent, they can influence fertility. For example, viral infections like mumps can damage reproductive organs, which can result in fertility problems.

B. Diagnosis of early menopause

How do I know if I'm in early menopause?

To diagnose premature menopause, a complete clinical evaluation and various laboratory tests are performed. This includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination to assess symptoms and family history. It is recommended to combine a blood test measuring estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels with a vaginal ultrasound to rule out an ovarian cyst. These tests provide crucial information about the patient's reproductive capacity and can identify hormonal imbalances that could affect fertility.


In some cases, a pelvic ultrasound may be done to check ovarian health. Genetic tests may also be performed if a hereditary cause is suspected.


Dr. Gómez recommends that if you are under 40 and notice symptoms such as absence of periods, hot flashes, or vaginal dryness for three to six months, it is essential to do a blood test to measure FSH and estradiol levels. If FSH levels are elevated, the diagnosis should be confirmed by repeating the test in one or two months.

C. Symptoms of premature menopause


What are the signs of early menopause?


The symptoms of early menopause are similar to those of natural menopause but occur earlier. They include menstrual irregularities, hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes like irritability, anxiety, and depression, vaginal dryness, reduced libido, and persistent fatigue. These symptoms can profoundly affect quality of life and emotional well-being.


Dr. Gómez indicates that, although it is not always possible to identify the specific cause, it is important to seek medical attention to address the symptoms and mitigate their effects.


D. Risks and consequences of premature menopause


What are the dangers of early menopause?

Early menopause can have several long-term consequences, such as:


  • Osteoporosis: The decrease in estrogen affects bone density, increasing the risk of fractures.

  • Cardiovascular diseases: Estrogens protect heart health, and their decrease can increase the risk of heart diseases.

  • Emotional and psychological problems: Increased depression and anxiety.


  • Dryness of the skin and mucous membranes: Reduced collagen production and natural hydration, leading to drier skin and less lubricated mucous membranes. 


  • Infertility: The inability to conceive naturally.

  • Metabolic problems: Weight gain and increased risk of type 2 diabetes.


Dr. Gómez highlights the importance of proper treatment to prevent long-term physical and psychological consequences, thus improving quality of life.

E. Treatments and natural solutions for early menopause

What is the best treatment for premature menopause?

To manage early menopause, hormone therapies can be used to alleviate the symptoms of estrogen deficiency, and calcium and vitamin D supplements to prevent osteoporosis. In severe cases of depression and anxiety, antidepressants may be prescribed. Dr. Gómez suggests considering fertility options, such as egg freezing, for women who wish to become mothers during this stage.


What vitamin is good for early menopause?


Immunity complex, for bone and intestinal protection

The reduction of estrogen levels is also linked to loss of bone density and intestinal problems, as estrogen plays a crucial role in the gastrointestinal tract's barrier function.


Our immunity complex offers a dual action to protect your bones and intestines. This supplement contains a high dose of vitamin D3 and K2 to keep your bones strong, and glutamine and theanine to support intestinal health. Additionally, the chameleon plant offers potent anti-inflammatory action.


As mentioned before, vitamin D is essential for maintaining bone density and preventing fractures. With the protection complex, you'll have a personal bodyguard for your bone and intestinal health.


Serenity complex, for stress, mood, and sleep

Mood swings during menopause can be really difficult. Many women, already from perimenopause, suffer from symptoms of depression and anxiety, and sleep problems can worsen these feelings.


Our serenity complex has been specifically developed to help you regain emotional balance and improve sleep quality. It contains patented extracts of KSM-66 ashwagandha and Safr’Inside saffron, along with marine magnesium, which together help regulate cortisol levels, the main stress culprit.


In about two weeks, you'll notice an improvement in your mood and ability to sleep well, allowing you to face the day with more serenity and confidence.



Detox complex, for hormonal acne

During menopause, many women experience acne due to hormonal changes, where estrogen levels decrease, and androgens increase.


Our detox complex is designed to help you manage these breakouts from the inside. This supplement includes natural ingredients like chlorella, green tea, pineapple stem extract, and selenium, which work together to detoxify the liver, purify the skin, reduce swelling, and improve digestion. It's a natural solution that not only helps your skin look better but also improves your overall well-being.


Radiance complex, to preserve skin youthfulness


As estrogen levels decrease, the skin can become thinner, more fragile, and less elastic.


Our radiance complex is designed to nourish your skin from the inside, providing the essential nutrients you need to maintain its firmness and elasticity. This supplement is packed with omega 3, antioxidant grape seed extract, and vitamin E, which work together to improve the appearance and health of your skin.


Vitality complex, for hair loss

Estrogen plays an important role in the hair growth cycle and scalp health. As these levels decrease during menopause, hair can become weaker, lose density, and dry out.


Our vitality complex is formulated to stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss. It contains biotin and a complex of B vitamins that reinforce keratin, along with Siberian rhodiola, a potent adaptogen that helps keep hair healthy and shiny. This supplement is your daily dose of vitality, ensuring strong, beautiful, and healthy hair.

Early menopause can profoundly affect women's lives. Identifying the causes, diagnosing symptoms, and understanding the risks is essential to managing this condition. With personalized medical treatments and natural supplements, it is possible to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

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