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Does your diet and lifestyle affect your hair growth and health?

Written by: Cristina Rodríguez

Find out why your hair is falling out or breaking, and how to get beautiful hair back!
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Hair is a reflection of self-confidence , regardless of gender. They are part of our identity, can sometimes influence our moods, and are a means of expression for many people. During childhood, we often have difficulty accepting our hair, and we want to change it. Have you ever heard your parents tell you that you are never satisfied with what you have ?


Those who have straight hair prefer it curly. Those who have curled them spend hours straightening them. Brunettes dream of being blondes. Some blondes even try to “de-yellow” their hair.

By trying to modify their color, or their shape, by looking for “remedies” to thicken them or make them lighter, by trying new treatments to make them smoother, or even by suffocating them with unsuitable oils. which were intended to hydrate them, we mistreated them.


Especially since many external factors weaken them more every day, and lead more quickly to their breakage, or their fall .

Although hair dissatisfaction is more present in women from a young age, men too are influenced by the appearance of their hair after adolescence.


Let's see together all these causes of hair breakage or loss, but above all how to remedy them and regain healthy, shiny hair in a natural way.



Understanding hair loss

1. The different types of hair loss

You are not always the cause of your hair loss, it is often even external elements that cause it. There are different causes of hair loss. Here they are :

  • Temporary hair loss: often due to reversible events, it is also considered reactive, following events, more or less serious, such as stress, malnutrition, pregnancy, fever, certain medical treatments. Once the cause is found and treated, the hair grows back.

  • Permanent hair loss: This is often hereditary and more common in men. It may be baldness or alopecia. Apart from these two problems, permanent hair loss can be caused by serious injuries or skin infection.



2. Factors of hair loss

The 4 most common factors for hair loss are genetics, stress, hormonal imbalances and diseases.

  • Genetics can be responsible for permanent hair loss. And there is no natural solution to this. We thus understand the impact on our identity and our self-confidence.

  • Stress, hormones, and illnesses will most often lead to temporary and reactive hair loss. Solutions exist to remedy this. Chronic stress has an impact on the hair growth cycle, which seriously disrupts it over time, and turns into hair loss.

  • Hair loss of hormonal origin is often linked to periods of imbalance, observed for example in women during pregnancy or menopause.

  • Cancer treatments are well known to cause hair loss. But other diseases generate the same consequences: thyroid problem, lupus...



3. Signs and symptoms to look out for to detect hair loss

There are obviously some signs that can alert you:

  • Hair that becomes finer, less dense and less voluminous.

  • Unusual hair loss on your hairbrush or pillow.

  • The line that separates your hair from your forehead is receding more and more.

  • A bald spot that begins to appear on the back of your head.

  • A more visible scalp.

  • Sudden hair loss after an impactful event.



4. Care for prevent hair loss

A. The importance of a balanced diet for hair health.

Your diet plays a key role in the health of your hair.

Certain nutrients are crucial for their growth, renewal and strength.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of essential elements to support the health of your hair:

  • The proteins. Know that your hair is mainly composed of proteins, which is why an adequate intake of this micronutrient is strongly recommended: fish, lean meat, eggs, legumes.

  • Biotin (vitamin B7), vitamin D and vitamin E, important for hair health: eggs, dairy products, green vegetables, dried fruits.

  • Minerals (iron, zinc and copper), essential for maintaining strong hair: legumes, nuts and whole grains.

  • Omega-3 , which promotes hydration of your scalp: fatty fish, nuts, flax seeds.


B. Our advice against hair loss

Although some people prefer to wash their hair every morning, know that it is a habit to break when you want to maintain healthy hair.

Obviously, your hair type also plays a role in your washing frequency. We advise you to space them out as much as possible, especially if you have dry hair, because shampooing too frequently will only dry it out and weaken it further.

Also try to choose products adapted to your hair types (dry, oily, fine, thick), to avoid accentuating your already existing problems.

Avoid washing your hair with very hot water, which can dry it out. During your shower, do not hesitate to massage your scalp to stimulate blood circulation.


C. The impact of lifestyle on hair health

As explained earlier, your lifestyle can have a strong impact on your hair loss.

Stress, in particular, poor quality sleep and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to this phenomenon.

If stress and lack of sleep are anchored in your daily life, we have created the serenity complex that can change your life. Composed mainly of saffron and ashwagandha, it will soothe you and help you find emotional balance in just two weeks.



Understanding hair breakage

1. The differences between hair loss and breakage

Hair loss occurs when hair naturally falls out at the end of its growth cycle. Every day we can lose between 50 and 100 hairs, which is completely normal.


The fall can be seasonal, such as the transition to fall, or triggered by significant factors (illness, stress, pregnancy, etc.).


While hair breakage occurs before the end of the growth cycle, and because of an attack that we inflict on it: excessive brushing, the use of chemicals or heating appliances, hairstyles that are too tight, coloring, sleeping on cotton pillowcases... All these small actions which may sometimes seem trivial break your hair and weaken it.



2. Signs of brittle and damaged hair.

How do you know if your hair is damaged? There are several clear signs to know if your hair is suffering:

  • You have split ends : the ends of your strands seem to split, or separate into several strands.

  • Your hair is dry and dull : this usually happens because it no longer has the ability to retain moisture.

  • Your hair breaks easily when brushing or detangling.

  • Some hair breaks, and this creates visible unevenness in your haircut.

  • You find small pieces of strands on your pillows, your clothes or your hairbrush.



3. Preventing Hair Breakage

A. Our advice to prevent hair breakage

  • Tip number 1 : Avoid hairstyles like braids, ponytails and buns that are too tight, as they put tension on the hair which can weaken it, and ultimately break it. Opt for loose hairstyles and fabric scrunchies to preserve your locks.

  • Tip number 2 : nourish your hair with oils and serum. Little tip, if soothing facial oil is part of your routine, you can also use it for your ends! It is very nourishing and will do them great good.
    However, be careful with the oil: never on the roots!
    If you use hair dryers and straightening/curling irons, it is very important to use care that protects them from heat, this is not insignificant!

  • Tip number 3 : it's obvious, but avoid chemical treatments as much as possible such as coloring, bleaching, straightening. They only weaken the structure of your hair and that's a shame.
    There is nothing more beautiful than natural, healthy hair!


B. Our advice to strengthen hair structure and reduce breakage.

3 fundamental points:

  • Hydration: hydrated hair breaks less. Use masks suited to your hair type.

  • A regular appointment with the hairdresser: cutting your ends regularly (every 3 months, for example), helps eliminate the damaged part of the hair, which gives it a healthier appearance, in addition to helping to maintain it and prevent their breakage.

  • Food: the key to success, too often neglected! A nutrient-rich diet helps strengthen hair structure.


Unfortunately, as Dr. Nara Nairi, doctor, doctor in micronutrition and microbiota specialist, points out, “even with a balanced diet, micronutrient intake can no longer be guaranteed solely by the foods we consume, because they are altered by their methods of production, harvesting, transport and conservation. It has become essential to use food supplements to remedy deficiencies which have numerous harmful effects on the well-being and health of the skin.

To remedy this, she formulated the vitality complex, a daily solution for healthy, resilient hair that grows faster.



Nutricosmetics for complete beauty

woman vitality full of energy blonde hair beautiful long courses in a sunflower field full of life complex vitality


Optimizing your micronutrition to obtain healthy, glowing hair also has undeniable benefits for the appearance of your epidermis, particularly in terms of firmness, elasticity and youthful skin.


It should be noted that many vitamins, including vitamins A, C and E, are effective agents in combating oxidative stress, a factor accelerating the aging process of the skin.


However, it can be difficult to obtain a complete intake of vitamins A, C and E through food alone, which justifies the use of dietary supplements.


This is precisely where our vitality complex comes into play. In addition to promoting hair growth and offering anti-hair loss and anti-breakage benefits, this complex, composed exclusively of natural active ingredients, acts positively on the state of your skin and nails. Enriched with vitamins A, C and E, this product combines with other active components such as biotin, Siberian rhodiola and rosehip, as well as B vitamins, themselves rich in essential micronutrients. In this way, it regenerates your cells from the inside, promoting optimal health of skin, nails and hair.



woman who holds best food supplement for hair, anti breakage, anti loss, shiny and strong healthy hair vitality complex mouth in a rounded shape


Hair loss and hair breakage are common concerns for both women and men. We have seen in detail the causes, signs and means of prevention for each problem, because the first step to having healthy hair is to understand these nuances.


The good news is that various solutions exist. For those looking to strengthen their hair, the vitality complex is for you. Formulated with high-quality natural ingredients, including Rosehip, Siberian Rhodiola and a full spectrum of essential B vitamins, our complex offers a holistic approach to promoting hair health, and nourishing hair from the inside out.
The active components of this formula are renowned for their ability to support hair growth, strengthen its structure and improve its resistance, while helping to maintain a healthy scalp. If you are looking for an effective and complete solution for your hair, our vitality complex is a wise choice.


Remember that, in addition to dietary supplements, a balanced diet, proper hair care and adequate stress management are also important elements in maintaining healthy hair. By investing in your hair health, you can enjoy shiny, strong hair for years to come.

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